Loving my Mirrorless cameras

The goal of this post is not to convince you of anything. I'm not trying sell you anything and I am not trying to make you switch. If you don't agree with my opinion that's fine. This is not about you its about me and my journey. There is no need to convince me of the merits of Nikon or Canon or the advantages of full frame vs. crop sensors. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN HEARING IT. 

I first became aware of Trey Ratcliff and his switch to mirrorless cameras. http://www.stuckincustoms.com/2013/07/04/sony-nex-review-nikon-vs/

If you didn't know I've been using mirrorless cameras since 2013. . I started with a Sony Nex 6 as I debated between the Nex 6 & 7. I had and continue to follow the work of Matthew Jordan Smith,  Brian Smith and Vivienne Gucwa. You can click on the names to check out their websites. These were Sony shooters and I loved the quality that they and Trey Ratcliff were getting. Then Sony came out with the full frame Sony A7. I attended  the 2013 PhotoPlus Expo in New York and talked to Matthew, Brian and Vivienne about their use of the equipment. I was convinced that the Sony A7 full frame mirrorless camera was my next camera. The reason I delayed was the lens system at the time. Sony had only announced a few lenses at the time. Yes, you can use other manufacturers lens with adapters with great success but I thought I would wait to see what lenses they would announce. Did  I mention that I also follow the work of Bill Fourtney. Bill was just retiring from Nikon

 When the Fuji X-T1 came out I sold the Sony Nex 6 and some older Nikon gear that I wasn't using and acquired the Fuji X-T1. Why mirrorless? Why not. The image quality is high, and I'm just not into carrying a big cameras and the weight around if I don't need to. Especially when I can get the same or better image quality. Today, I own a Fuji X-T1, Fuji X-100T and the Fuji X-E1. The X-T1 and X-E1 are interchangeable lens cameras and I currently own 4 lens for the system. 

Today, the Fuji is my everyday camera. Do I still use my Nikon D3. Yes I do. There are certain things that I shoot that I still prefer or need to shoot with a DSLR. I do believe that mirrorless cameras are the future. People are making a living shooting with this kind of gear. I have shot some recent assignments using my mirrorless cameras and they have worked well. As of right now I'm a Fuji and Nikon shooter. As of right now I'm not selling my Nikon gear. In the future I may actually acquire the Nikon D750. 

#Fuji XT1

#Fuji XT1